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Mullvad is currently not available on Amazon


Our Amazon store is temporarily unavailable due to issues with our listings. We are actively working with Amazon to resolve the problem and appreciate your patience during this time.

Amazon has mistakenly listed our physical vouchers as digital ones, causing their system to process Mullvad orders as digital deliveries. We are working with Amazon to correct this. In the meantime, Mullvad is available directly at, where you can purchase using various payment options.

If you have experienced issues after purchasing Mullvad through Amazon, please follow this guide to cancel your order:

Customer-Initiated Cancellation

Customers can cancel their orders themselves if the order status is still “Pending.”
Go to Your Orders, select the order, and hit Cancel items if the option is available. In cases where the “Cancel items” button is not available:

If you’re unable to wait or want to cancel it sooner, you can contact Amazon Customer Service to request a cancellation. Here’s how you can do that:

  1. Go to Amazon Customer Service: Navigate to the Help section by scrolling down the Amazon homepage, and select Customer Service.
  2. Contact Support: Choose the option to Contact Us via phone, email, or chat.
  3. Explain the Situation: Provide your order number and request that they cancel the pending order on your behalf.