



Commercial mass surveillance

The tech giants know everything about you – whether or not you use their services.

The business model

Your online behavior is the raw material from which one of the biggest economies in the history of the world has been built. But it isn’t the images you post, the comments you write or the messages you send that are the hard currency. It’s the data about the data that’s the true treasure. With what’s known as metadata, the tech giants aren’t satisfied with monitoring your life – they’ve decided to control it.


Part 1: Big tech – they’ve collected so much data about you that they’ve lost control.

The actors behind the data collection

You already know which big companies collect data for commercial purposes. But the question is whether you’re aware of the absurd extent of this data collection. You can take as long as you like to think about it, but the answer is still ‘No’. Not even the companies themselves know how much data they collect, where it goes and how they should control it.


Organizations that collect data often claim it’s anonymous. Research shows this is impossible.

The collected data can’t be kept anonymous

When the tech giants collect huge quantities of data about your internet behavior, they always hide behind defenses such as ‘it’s only metadata’ or ‘we’ve anonymized the information’. But if you collect big data, it’s impossible to keep it anonymous. It’s enough for your phone to reveal four places you’ve been to work out that it’s you.


State mass surveillance

Democratic and authoritarian countries are competing to see which of them can carry out mass surveillance most and best (worst).

USA and their friends in the surveillance alliance Four***** Eyes have demonstrated that they have the capacity, the desire and the experience to monitor who they want, when they want, anywhere in the world. China and other totalitarian countries use mass surveillance to control their inhabitants. It often feels like a dystopian arms race is going on around the world. But who is actually the best (worst) at making George Orwell’s 1984 a reality?


Going Dark: US と EU 間の不透明な連携を通じた暗号化戦争の始まり

「子供たちのことを考えろ(Think of the *****ren)」のスローガンの下、欧州委員会は EU 市民全員の完全な監視を導入しようとしました。スキャンダルが明るみに出ると、この法案(一般に「チャットコントロール」として知られる)にはアメリカのテクノロジー企業とセキュリティサービスが関与していたこと、そしてこの法案全体がまったく別の利害関係者によって指揮されていたことが判明しました。さらに、次の試みが始まっています。「Going Dark」イニシアチブでは、新たな破壊兵器が投入されましたが、ヨーロッパのすべての携帯電話とコンピューターに国家スパイウェアをインストールするという野望に変わりはありません。


The consequences of mass surveillance